Tuesday, December 24, 2019
How Media Affect People s Subconscious Judgments
Thu Nguyen Professor Janet Nau English 103 26 June 2017 Exploratory Essay How Media Affect People’s Subconscious Judgments Nowadays, society is growing and becoming more modern, so media take a significant role which has a big effect on people’s lives. Media are all the organizations, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, Internet, and more, that provide news and information to the public. The human subconscious mind is considered as information storage. Thus, media influence people’s subconscious daily through news, advertisements, games, movies, and the internet; they might impact people’s minds in positive and negative ways. Sometimes, people have subconscious judgments to a particular thing or a specific person†¦show more content†¦As a result, people behave and think negatively under the bad impacts of media. Moreover, by overgeneralizing information about specific religions from media, people can have religious prejudices. For instance, in Chapter 8, â€Å"Framing Muslim – Americans before and after 9/11,†in the book Framing Terrorism: The News Media, the Government and the Public, the authors state that in the United States media, the Arab and Muslim Americans are described as terrorists (133). Also, people will keep a distance with Muslims, they don’t even want to work or to participate in social activities with the presence of Muslims. Clearly, after the event of September 11, Muslims became the victims of religious prejudices. In brief, leading prejudices about race and religion are one specific way that media influence people’s subconscious judgments. The second way that media influence people’s subconscious judgments is by causing negative reactions through consumer’s behavior and violent movies. In a consumer world, media have directly affected people’s behavior in the consumer market by showing information about products excessively. A good example for this is people can easily stay in contact with media advertisements. Th at means, they are constantly conscious of brands and images. Images of products can stimulate people to buy those products without the appraisal. According to the experiments in the article â€Å"Affect, Appraisal, andShow MoreRelatedHow Media Affect Peoples Subconscious Judgments1200 Words  | 5 PagesHerman ESL 186 06 Dec 2016 How Media Affect People’s Subconscious Judgments Nowadays, society is growing and becoming more modern, so media take a significant role which has a big effect on people’s lives. Media are all the organizations, such as newspapers, magazines, radio, television, Internet, and more, that provide news and information to the public. The human subconscious mind is considered as information storage. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Cafe yumm Free Essays
It is not intended to serve as sources of primary data or illustrations of effective or ineffective management . Let’s assume that it is currently October of 2011 and you are exploring the opportunity of becoming a Caf © Yumm! franchisee by opening a Caf © Yumm! near the I-JO campus on E13th street. Alternatively, you can open a Caf © Yumm! in downtown (two blocks from the LDT). We will write a custom essay sample on Cafe yumm or any similar topic only for you Order Now For the downtown location, you face the following uncertainty: the city plans to build a huge office and apartment complex (with estimated 100,000 square feet office space and 150 apartments). The city will vote to make final decision in a year from today. If the project is approved by the city, the construction will take a year (starts this month next year and ends a year after that). You estimate the probability of the approval of the project by the city is 75%. To evaluate the franchise opportunity with Caf © Yumm! , you start to collect info as below. For both the I-JO and the downtown locations, you have the following estimates of the expenses to become a part of the Caf © Yumm! : Franchise fee: $35,000. This is one-time charge, paid to Caf © Yumm!. Advertising osts: between 1% and 2% of the gross sales paid to Caf © Yumm! n annually basis; currently 1. 5% of the gross sales. You will pay the advertising cost by the end of each year. Service fee: 6% of the gross sales paid to Caf © Yumm! by the end of each year. For the I-JO location, you estimate that the initial investment is $350,000. That includes the remodeling cost and the first-year rent which is $6,000 per month for this 1,200 square feet restaurant space. The le ase of the restaurant space will be guaranteed for the next seven years. The rent, however, is expected to vary every year. The rent will be paid by the end of each year. From the opportunity analysis, your estimate other expenses and sales for the I-JO location are as follows: Expenses and Sales Labor Cost Non-labor Fixed Cost (Equipment lease, utility, insurance, and other miscellaneous costs Cost of Food ; Service Sales per $250,000 $36,000 $185,000 For the downtown location, you have the following choice depending on if the city approves the construction of the new office and apartment complex: Choice A: Rent a 1,500 square feet facility now The initial investment: $500,000. That includes the remodeling cost and the first-year ent which is $15,000 per month for this 1,500 square feet restaurant space. The lease of the restaurant space will be a seven-year agreement (early termination and sub-rental are not allowed). The rent, however, is expected to increase to $20,000 per month after the new office and apartment complex is built (if the project is approved). The rent will be paid by the end of each year. Estimated labor cost, cost of food and service, and sales: the same as those of the I-JO location before the new office and apartment complex is built; two times of those of the I-JO location after the ew office and apartment complex is built (assume that if the new complex is not built, the estimated numbers will remain unchanged). Estimated non-labor fixed costs: $4,500 per month. The number will increase to $6,500 after the new complex is built. Choice B: First rent a 1,000 square feet facility now; if the new office and apartment complex is approved by the city, you have the option to expend the rental space to a total 1,500 square feet (by contracting the next door rental space – the only way to expand the space in downtown area). The probability of the availability of that dditional 500 square feet space in this month next year is 80%. In addition, you estimate that the probability of the availability of that additional 500 square feet space after the new office and apartment complex is built is 0%. For this Choice B, you estimate The initial investment now: That includes the remodeling cost and t year rent which is $10,000 per month for this 1,000 square feet restaurant space. If you get the additional 500 square feet space, the remodeling cost is $200,000. The monthly rent for the total 1,500 space is $20,000. Estimated labor cost, cost of food nd service, and sales: 75% of those of the I-JO location before the new office and apartment complex is built; 125% of those of the I-JO location after the new office and apartment complex is built if no expansion is performed; two times of those of the I-JO location after the new office and apartment complex is built if the expansion is performed. Estimated non-labor fixed costs: $4,000 per month for the 1,000 square feet facility and $6,500 per month for the 1,500 square feet facility. You currently don’t have any cash to start and run the business. You need to borrow oney to pay the initial investment and the franchise fee. You have two alternative ways to raise capital: Bank Option: The money can be financed from a Portland-based ABC bank at the annual compound rate: Wall Street Journal Prime Rate + 12%. If you loan from the ABC bank, there is no monthly payment. However, you must prepare one check to pay off your loan (principal plus interests) at the end of the seventh year. Early payoff is not allowed. Partnership Option: As an alternative, a local investment firm offers you the following financial â€Å"partnership†opportunity. Under the partnership agreement, the firm would rovide you all the cash needed to start the business (initial investment including all remodeling costs, and the franchise fee). In exchange for this, the firm would receive 80% of all your net profit at the end of the seventh year (if there is any). How to cite Cafe yumm, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Elephants free essay sample
Have you ever been to the circus and seen the amazing tricks the elephants and other animals do? They may look cool but these elephants aren’t born knowing how to do these tricks, they are tortured to learn them with whips, bullhooks, chains, bush knives, ear halters, and ropes to control them to do whatever the mahout (trainers) wants them to do. These wild animals are not meant to be tamed but to live a happy life in the wild. 1Bears, elephants, tigers, and other animals do not voluntarily ride bicycles, stand on their heads, balance on balls, or jump through rings of fire. They dont perform these and other difficult tricks because they want to; they perform them because theyre afraid of what will happen if they dont. For animals in circuses, there is no such thing as positive reinforcementâ€â€only varying degrees of punishment and deprivation. We will write a custom essay sample on Elephants or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To force them to perform these meaningless and physically uncomfortable tricks, trainers use whips, tight collars, muzzles, electric prods, bullhooks, and other painful tools of the trade. In the Ringling Bros. circus, elephants are beaten, hit, poked, prodded, and jabbed with sharp hooks, sometimes until bloody. Ringling breaks the spirit of elephants when theyre vulnerable babies who should still be with their mothers. Unsuspecting parents planning a family trip to the circus dont know about the violent training sessions with ropes, bullhooks, and electric shock prods that elephants endure. Heartbreaking photos reveal how Ringling Bros. circus trainers cruelly force baby elephants to learn tricks, and its not through a reward system, as they claim. The picture above is of circus trainers bounding this poor elephant to ropes for â€Å"training†. These elephants never forget the abuse they go through, they are one of the smartest animals. Elephants get along very well with humans as long as they are being treated right, when you hear about elephants attacking circus trainers or escaping its only because they are treated so terribly and they eventually decide to do something about it. How would you feel if someone was torturing you 24/7 and you even had to sleep with chains around your feet, you would probably do the same and try to fight back. 2The Elephant Sanctuary in Hoenwald Tennessee is set on 2700 acres of land and is designed for both Asian and African elephants. There is a 25 acre lake, 9000 square foot heated state of the art barn for the animals. This is an overall amazing place for rescued elephants and is for them to live just like they would in the wild. Tarra the elephant was born in 1974 in Burma Asia, she was captured from the wild that same year and preformed in zoos and circuses until March 3rd 1995 after performing for 21 years she retired and moved into the elephant sanctuary. She stands at 8’ 2†, weighs 8700 pounds, and she loves watermelon. Tarra was seen many times holding a stick with her trunk drawing in the dirt and would spend wrestles nights doing so on the floor in her barn. They eventually gave her paint brushes and she would enjoy painting and sticking her trunk in the paint and blowing it everywhere, but each piece of artwork was never finished until she added her very distinctive signature. In 2003 bella wondered on to the sanctuary property and instantly became best friends with Tarra, they were in separable, Bella would even roll over on her back and let Tarra pet her belly with her Giant foot. They would play in the snow together, swim in the ponds, and just explore together. The size difference did not matter to them, They were the ultimate best of friends. When Bella had gotten a spinal cord injury she couldn’t move her legs and couldn’t even move her tail, for the next three weeks Tarra stood in the same spot outside the office just waiting for Bella, so they decided to bring Bella out to see Tarra and Bellas tail started to wag and Tara was very excited, they continued to do this till Bella was able to walk again. In 2011 Bella had passed away from what they think was a coyote attack, Tarra brought her back to the barn and stayed by her side. Work Sited: 1 http://www. peta. org/issues/animals-in-entertainment/circuses. aspx 2 http://www. elephants. com/index. php
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